It is important that everyone arrives in class with an open-mind, a critical gaze (a willingness to go beyond common assumptions) and most importantly a willingness and desire to read, attend class, and learn. Without preparedness and reading skills (as well as a desire to engage in those elements of learning) this class will be a struggle. For those students who want to improve these skills, this class will facilitate that process. For those who want a class that does not require thinking, that does not mandate completion of the reading, that sees attendance as superfluous, and is in all ways easy on the mind, this may not be the class for you.

Students are expected to arrive to class at the scheduled time. Respectful interactions are also required in all spaces of dialogues. Please have cell phones on silent and no text messaging during class or private use of iPods, etc (1st time will result in a warning, 2nd time may result in being asked to leave the class for the day). Sleeping or otherwise “tuning out” is not acceptable; class requires engagement from all members of the community. You should not come to class with the sole intent of sucking up the classroom oxygen while you sleep. If you fall asleep in class, you will be woken up.

ALWAYS bring your book to class.

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